Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Welcome fellow travellers!
Your hosts Jamie and Skander talk with Rebecca Willis, Professor in Practice at Lancaster University' LEC, Expert Lead for the Climate Assembly UK and Trustee of the New Economics Foundation.
Rebecca's work touches on so many issues, it's difficult to sum it all up in a few sentences. She told us of her work with Climate Assembly UK, how Citizens' Assemblies could change the way we see/interact with politics and what issues they encountered as a team.
We also discussed France's own CA, the possibility and difficulties of a direct democracy system like that of Switzerland, and whether all British Citizens' Assemblies should be named "Little Britain".
You can find Rebecca Willis on Twitter @Bankfieldbecky and her work on rebeccawillis.co.uk
Let us know your thoughts at risingwiththetide@gmail.com as well as what you'd like us to talk about next!
Links to all streaming platforms and socials: linktr.ee/risingwiththetide
Song: "What a Wonderful World" by Maz O'Connor
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Welcome fellow travellers!
Your hosts Jamie and Skander talk with Diogo Verissimo, Director of On The Edge Conservation, research fellow at Oxford University and expert in social marketing.
We discuss the ins and outs of social marketing, what the term means and how it's been used in the past. Diego argues against the environmentalist knee-jerk reaction of throwing away tools like marketing, asserting that although they have contributed to ecological collapse, they are also a potent ingredient in the antidote for biodiversity conservation.
We also learn about how Harry Potter films didn't convince people to buy owls, that Smoky the Bear is old but gold and that Pengolins can vlog??
You can find Diogo on Twitter @Verissimodiogo and some of his work at @OTEConservation
Let us know your thoughts at risingwiththetide@gmail.com as well as what you'd like us to talk about next!
Links to all streaming platforms and socials: linktr.ee/risingwiththetide
Song: "Darwin's Acid" by Baba Brinkman
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Welcome fellow travellers!
Your hosts Jamie and Skander talk with Chloe Miko, host and co-creator of The Burning Case Podcast!
Similar to ours, the Burning Case takes on topics related to environment and politics, but with their own european/democracy twist! In their own words they are: "a place for critical conversations about our future on this planet and how policy making and radical democracy are essential to ensure that future is not only green but also fair and inclusive.We’ll be chatting about the burning issues of our time, how policies are made and give you the tools to overhaul take the system!"
We discuss what it's like managing a podcast, how to talk about issues without scaring people and while making sure we're being inclusive and understanding. Chloe tells us about her favourite moments and episodes and a huge brainstorm occurs to find an answer to what civic education should be all about!
You can find her on instagram, twitter, spotify and everywhere else at The Burning Case Podcast!
Let us know your thoughts at risingwiththetide@gmail.com as well as what you'd like us to talk about next!
Links to all streaming platforms and socials: linktr.ee/risingwiththetide
Song: "Pour Toi" by MC Blue Matter (Prod. Leo The Kid)
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Welcome fellow travellers!
Your hosts Jamie and Skander talk with Thomas Worsdell, an independent researcher currently working with the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) and the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP). A lot of Thomas' work revolves around land, people and the complex interactions between the two.
We learned a lot throughout the episode from Thomas about rights-based conservation tactics, the perilous strategies from that often threaten the culture and livelihood of indigenous peoples and what we can do to make sure saving the planet doesn't come at the cost of hurting vulnerable groups. Our conversation touches on everything from the Seychelles to Britain, and features a shocking outcome to our animal guessing game!
Let us know your thoughts at risingwiththetide@gmail.com as well as what you'd like us to talk about next!
Links to all streaming platforms and socials: linktr.ee/risingwiththetide
Song: "CACEROLAZO" by Ana Tijoux
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Welcome fellow travellers!
Your hosts Jamie and Skander talk with Sicily Fiennes, Master by research student at Kent University's DICE and conservationist specialising in birds. Sicily also co-runs Trade Chirps to help the public in keeping up with bird trade.
We discuss her work on conservation and trade, what tactics work, what doesn't, as well as the cultural sides of the topic people often ignore.
Let us know your thoughts at risingwiththetide@gmail.com as well as what you'd like us to talk about next!
Links to all streaming platforms and socials: linktr.ee/risingwiththetide
Song: "Crazy" by Hope Tala
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Welcome fellow travellers!
Your hosts Jamie and Skander talk with Martin Siegert, Professor, glaciologist and Co-Director of the Grantham Institute at Imperial College London.
Martin tells us what it's like being at the head of his world-leading research institute, and of his experience in climate change education. We discuss Antarctica and Martin's amazing voyages there.
Let us know your thoughts at risingwiththetide@gmail.com as well as what you'd like us to talk about next!
Links to all streaming platforms and socials: linktr.ee/risingwiththetide
Song: "Belle Bouteille" by Lausse the Cat
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Welcome fellow travellers!
Your hosts Jamie and Skander talk with Brian Hoskins, visiting Professor at the University of Reading and Chair/Founding Director of the Grantham Institute at Imperial College London.
Brian tells us of his experience as head of the Grantham Institute, what he's learned and what he's seen. We discuss meteorology, the Stern Review which Brian has contributed to, as well as the climate strikes, the 2050 climate change act and what it's like spending a good chunk of your career trying to explain climate change.
Let us know your thoughts at risingwiththetide@gmail.com as well as what you'd like us to talk about next!
Links to all streaming platforms and socials: linktr.ee/risingwiththetide
Song: "Decade of Doubt" by Rip.Fun
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Welcome fellow travellers!
Your hosts Jamie and Skander talk with Carola Rackete, a woman of many talents: she's an ecologist, a conservationist, a master mariner, a polar scientist and a sea rescuer!
Carola shot to fame as Captain of Sea Watch 3 in 2019 when she headed a ship that rescued people lost at sea and attempted to dock to safety in Lampedusa. The Italian government arrested her for saving lives at sea and Carola spent the year after being put up as a sort of representative of the "migrant crisis". However, as we find out in this episode, there is more to Carola than her stint of bravery from last summer.
We discuss the German government's efforts to destroy the Dannenroder forest to build a highway, Carola and her fellow forest protectors' efforts to defend the centuries-old trees. Jamie and Skander open up the can of ugly worms that is eco-fascism and Carola explains her view of blocking out any attempt at mixing nationalism and fascism with environmentalism.
Let us know your thoughts at risingwiththetide@gmail.com as well as what you'd like us to talk about next!
Links to all streaming platforms and socials: linktr.ee/risingwiththetide
Song: "Bam Bam" by Eloquent & Wun Two
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Welcome fellow travellers!
Your hosts Jamie and Skander talk with Daniela Lerario, Co-Lead of the Climate Champions Team for the COP 26 and Co-Chair of Sistema B Brazil. She is a biologist by trade but also a waste and circular economy expert.
Daniela tells us all about the diverse projects she's worked on, from ocean plastic waste studies to international climate leadership, there's tons to talk about. She also lets us in on her current work as Co-Chair of Sistema B and just what the heck a "B Corp" is (spoiler: we'd never heard of it, and we now love it).
Let us know your thoughts at risingwiththetide@gmail.com as well as what you'd like us to talk about next!
Links to all streaming platforms and socials: linktr.ee/risingwiththetide
Song: "Se Afasta" by Bemquerê
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Welcome fellow travellers!
Your hosts Jamie and Skander talk with William Gosling, Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam's Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics about his research on Mauritius, just what does "Palaeoecology" mean and his role as Chair of Education for the British Ecological Society!
Let us know your thoughts at risingwiththetide@gmail.com as well as what you'd like us to talk about next!
Song: "Mountain" by Dreadzone